Despite the COVID Restrictions many of our members and bands commemorated the fallen with Acts of Remembrance and Memorials. One such event was in Dunaghy where lodge and band were represented by Band Member Rebecca Cauley attended a short act of Remembrance in the Village along with representatives of Dunaghy ILOL 16, North Antrim Friends of the 36th, Dunaghy LOL791 and Dunaghy RBP.

To ensure they will never be forgot a range of practical steps from a commemorative mural, in the hall to a heritage funded project with study visits and historical talks to bring the past to life to new generations. The theme of ‘fallen friends’ was apt as the project brought the men to life and into the lives of the people of Dunaghy.
This year as commemorations were more low key, there was the time to reflect on all that had been learnt over the past few years. Due to Covid-19 this years even was on a much smaller scale than normal but it was of equal important that we remembered and paid our respects to those who have gave the ultimate sacrifice.
Lest We Forget