
Northern Ireland Centenary Jewel

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Be the First to Get our Limited Edition Northern Ireland Centenary Jewel

Our Limited Edition Northern Ireland Centenary Jewel will be available to Pre-Order from 1 November. We will have a limited number of Jewels which can be worn on a sash or collarette or become part of your collection of commemorative jewels. All profits will go to charity in support of the Grand Master’s Charity Appeal.

When the ILOI wanted to make the statement that Northern Ireland is here to stay they didn't have to look far for inspiration - the Giant's Causeway speaks for itself.

The Giants Causeway provided the perfect inspiration for the new ILOI Northern Ireland Centenary Jewel. It’s iconic hexagonal shape is at the heart of the new design, the six sides representing the six counties perfectly.

The winning entry was developed into a logo, jewel and badge, by a UK graphic design firm which specialises in commemorative jewels. The design has also seen a few changes and additions such as the Orange Lilly and Blue flax flower incorporated and the Bible and Crown placed centrally. As an Institution, our Unionist, and our support for northern Ireland is not only based on our adherence to democratic principles but on the core belief that these Constitutional arrangements offer the best prospect for the protection and promotion of our Protestant faith. As such our loyalty to and support for Northern Ireland is founded upon our first love and loyalty to our faith. This is what the symbol of the crown resting on the open Bible illustrates. It also speaks of the belief that it is God who sets up and sustains earthly kingdoms and we believe his hand is clearly at work in the history of our land. For that we give Him thanks and we rededicate ourselves to that cause.

Northern Ireland’s place within the United Kingdom is illustrated by the Union Flag in the shape of the country, for design purposes with a Bible and Crown centrepiece using the Northern Ireland flag was not possible since only the edges would be visible. The other unique design feature we loved was the hexagonal design. It perfectly symbolises Northern Ireland – the six counties, and for an Institution based in North Antrim we really could not miss the opportunity to pay tribute to the Giants Causeway. As Northern Ireland’s only UNESCO World Heritage site, the Causeway boasts 40,000 massive black basalt columns rising majestically out of the sea. The dramatic sight has inspired legends of giants striding over the sea to Scotland, and had attracted millions of visitors from across the globe. It is the oldest natural symbol of this area, and indeed the recurrence of this hexagonal design throughout nature points us to the Creator.

The inspiration for our Centenary Jewel shape is obvious and we use it as a statement that our little country is here to stay. Our motto is ” Northern Ireland – The First 100 Years”.

Our introductory offer Is a Jewel and two badges for only £20, but this cannot last so buy now to avoid disappointment.

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Northern Ireland Centenary Jewel