Members of Mullans Independent Orange Lodge ILOL No 34 have presented a cheque to the Northern Ireland Air Ambulance.
Commenting the Master of the Lodge Wor Bro Leslie Campbell said,
“As the result of the refurbishment and reopening of our hall at Finvoy following flooding last year the lodge members decided that the money raised at a concert in the hall just before lockdown would be donated to the Northern Ireland Air Ambulance. I was pleased to present a cheque to Simon and Tony Osbourne for £1000. Simon and his family have been involved in extensive fund raising for the Air Ambulance following a very serious accident that Simon was involved in. There is no doubt that without the Air Ambulance Simon would not have survived. We were pleased to add our contribution to their fund raising effort and support the work of Northern Ireland Air Ambulance.

Wor Bro Leslie Campbell hands over cheque to Simon Osbourne and his father Tony. Included in the photo are Bro Norman Ferris, Bro Bertie Campbell, Bro Mervyn Storey MLA, Bro Raymond Storey, Bro Uel Campbell.