Many lodges chose to meet and commemorate the Twelfth at their own hall with family and friends only, with the Virtual twelfth resources on hand they could enjoy the sights and sounds of yesteryear and the online Orange Day material. With the Twelfth proceedings going online that day the brethren could settled back in the comfort of their own hall and watch the speakers.

Many lodges began the day with a lodge meeting, but even here things were different with social distancing and many traditional items like table coverings dispensed with in the interests of safety. With surfaces sanitised and the only gloves on display the plastic disposable medical gloves rather than the traditional white gloves the brethren were still able to open their lodge in traditional fashion.

As the pictures from Lisnagaver show, things were not as formal as usual but the spirit of the day prevailed. The main topic of business was of course the Pandemic and how they could all do their bit to prevent it. We see below the view from the Master Chair as Bro. William Fenton welcomes brethren to the hall, and to the Twelfth. Like many lodges the aim was to ensure the safety of brethren with many older members, those in front line services or with family members shielding choosing to join the day virtually or enjoy it at home.

It was also a day for quieter contemplation about the Twelfth, what’s important and the real reasons behind the celebrations. This year opening prayers and devotions took on a deeper significance as men were brought to consider the fragility of life in the face of such a pandemic. It was also a time to reflect on the values and principles of the Order and how they can preserve important aspect of culture in the midst of restrictions and the potential of a second wave of virus. Overall men were glad to renew fellowship and swap stories of lockdown and its challenges.