Glendenning Memorial Hall, Dunaghy
A fine two storey purpose built hall sitting in the village of Dunaghy. It was named after Robert Glendenning the MP for the area who had been returned to Parliament by the…
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Virtual Twelfth Logo Launched
In order to give the Virtual Twelfth its own brand and identity a new logo was commissioned.
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The One Dry Twelfth
Looking On the Bright side, members give their views on this year’s most unusual Twelfth.
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Charity High Flyers
Members of Mullans Independent Orange Lodge ILOL No 34 have presented a cheque to the Northern Ireland Air Ambulance.
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The Show Must Go On !
The Independent Loyal Orange Institution has taken firms steps to make sure that this years Twelfth will be one to remember - for the right reasons.
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Supporting Our NHS Heroes
Presentation to Local Hospital, to support our front line NHS Staff
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The Protestant Pilgrim Fathers
This year Our Institution remembers the 400th Anniversary of the Mayflower Voyage, and the Pilgrim Fathers whose migration to ensure they could enjoy freedom to worship was…
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Knowledge Brokers in Science – A Case Study in Increasing Impact
Knowledge Brokerage in Science and Healthcare has been around for decades with the first research coming on its real benefits and impact.
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The Role of the Courts in our Constitution
The differing opinions of the Scottish and English Courts reopen the debate on how our Constitution is balanced and operated.
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